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Chapter 8 - Protect your Data with a Phishing Test

Written by Ian Robertson | Jul 24, 2023

In the digital age, data is the lifeblood of businesses, and its protection should be of utmost importance. For businesses, particularly in Victoria, BC, and the broader Canadian landscape, falling victim to cyber threats can have devastating consequences. One such threat is phishing, a technique used by cybercriminals to lure individuals into providing sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, and so forth. Cybersecurity is not an option but a necessity, and one effective method of strengthening it is through phishing tests.

What is a Phishing Test?

A phishing test is a proactive approach to reducing risk, where a company sends simulated phishing emails to its employees to see how they react. The goal is to educate and train them to recognize and respond correctly to real phishing attempts. It's akin to a fire drill for data security, except the fire is a crafty scammer trying to steal your information, and the building is your business.

Phishing tests are a powerful tool for gauging the effectiveness of your security education programs and employees' behavior towards phishing attempts. Conducting these tests regularly can significantly boost your defense, making your business data more secure.

Choosing the Best Tools

A variety of tools exist to help you conduct phishing tests. These include phishing simulation software like KnowBe4, PhishMe, and Gophish. They provide customizable phishing templates, scheduling options, and detailed reporting to help you understand your vulnerability. Choosing the right tool depends on your needs, the size of your business, and the complexity of the phishing scenarios you want to simulate.

Employee Training is Crucial

As the saying goes, "knowledge is power," and this holds especially true when dealing with phishing threats. Regular training sessions focused on cybersecurity education are vital to raising awareness among employees about different phishing methods and tactics used by cybercriminals.

These sessions can include examples of phishing emails, the common indicators of a phishing attempt (like misspellings, generic greetings, and suspicious links), and the correct response when they suspect a phishing attempt. The more your employees know about phishing, the lower the chance of successful attacks.

Creating a Reporting Channel

A crucial element of prevention is to establish a clear and straightforward reporting channel for suspected phishing emails. Employees should know how and where to report any suspicious emails they receive. This allows your IT team to analyze these attempts, understand the latest techniques used by phishers, and take appropriate action.

Creating a culture of open communication around cybersecurity reduces risk and promotes collective responsibility for secure data handling. It also helps in quickly identifying and responding to real phishing attacks, thus minimizing potential damage.

Conduct Several Tests

The key to successful phishing education and training is repetition. By conducting several tests using different phishing methods, you can ensure that your employees are prepared for various scenarios. Phishing tests can range from simple deceptive emails asking for login details to more complex targeted attacks.

These tests, when conducted over time, can help track improvements in your employees' ability to identify and report phishing attempts. The continuous testing process serves as both a reminder of the imminent threat and an effective training tool, keeping cybersecurity at the forefront of employees' minds.

Analyze the Results

Once you've conducted your phishing tests, it's important to analyze the results. This will give you insights into how well your employees are able to identify phishing attempts and how quickly they report them.

The analysis can help identify areas where further training is needed. Maybe your employees are great at spotting generic phishing attempts but struggle with more targeted "spear phishing" attacks. These insights will help you refine your training and improve your overall cybersecurity posture.


The Benefits of Partnering with Robertson Technology Group

In the bustling tech hub of Victoria, BC, Robertson Technology Group stands as a leading provider of managed technology security and support solutions. Catering to small to medium-sized businesses across Canada, we specialize in mitigating cyber threats, empowering businesses with cutting-edge security measures, and offering personalized customer service experiences.

Our mission is to lead the way by providing innovative solutions and exceptional customer service through strategic partnerships. We ensure the security of your systems, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business. With a strong focus on education and prevention, we aim to arm your business against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Our broad client support base, cutting-edge tools, and unparalleled dedication to security make us the ideal partner for your business. Together, let's make your business secure, resilient, and ready for the future.



Have a read of some other articles in our 9 day cybersecurity series:

  1. Security Solutions Every Business Must Have
  2. Network Security Recommendations for Small Businesses 
  3. Best Practices in the Age of Remote Work
  4. Password Management Tips for Small Business
  5. Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in Your Business
  6. Everything Small Businesses Need to Know About VPNs
  7. Best Practices for Cybersecurity Training
  8. Protect Your Data with a Phishing Test
  9. Advantages of Outsourcing Your Company's Cybersecurity